A girl called echo

  1. 1. Echo likes to listen to
  2. 5. Echo's culture
  3. 7. name of Echo's history teacher
  4. 9. what echo uses to listen to her music
  5. 13. where echo goes to learn
  6. 15. was mainly used for transportation in echo's flashbacks
  7. 16. a weapon mainly used in the story
  8. 17. The main protagonist
  9. 19. what was going on at the last flashback
  10. 21. where they store their stuff while travelling
  1. 2. how echo gets back in time
  2. 3. main entertainment for her brothers
  3. 4. where echo gets her books from
  4. 6. main transportation on water in the flashbacks
  5. 7. transportation echo uses to get home
  6. 8. thing when echo goes back in time
  7. 10. Subject Echo is mainly learning in school makes her go back in time
  8. 11. were being hunted down in the first scenes of the novel
  9. 12. Echo uses for her music
  10. 14. main shelter in the flashbacks
  11. 18. where the book is taking place
  12. 20. Echo's likes to read