A Long Walk to Water

  1. 3. an annoying pest that sucks your blood
  2. 5. people you're related to (starts with F)
  3. 7. Salva is constantly ______ on his trip (starts with w)
  4. 10. an adjective with a synonym of durable (starts with t)
  5. 14. the Dinka and the Nuer are in a ___
  6. 15. Salva is brave and c______ous
  7. 17. "Nya knew many people who suffered from the same _______"
  8. 18. the man in the end, helping the Nuer, he meets Nya
  9. 19. where did salva go to in America
  1. 1. the country this story is held in
  2. 2. Nya and her people were struggling with contaminated____
  3. 4. an action Salva and Nya do daily
  4. 6. salvas home village
  5. 7. to want something to happen or be true (starts with h)
  6. 8. a river salva and his group went down
  7. 9. where the first refugee camp was
  8. 11. "salva lifted his head _______" pg.66
  9. 12. a person who has been forced to leave their country to escape war/disasters/violence
  10. 13. which continent does this story take place
  11. 16. "____. Her mother was afraid." pg 33