A Medical Student's Life

  1. 2. Depending on the specialty and location, physicians may need to take ____ exams every few years to stay licensed.
  2. 4. to be added into the crossword (bold is the word they fill in):
  3. 7. Identifying a disease or condition from its signs and symptoms.
  4. 9. After medical school, students attend ____ which can be 3-7 years long.
  5. 10. Many medical schools require students to recite the ____ oath upon graduating.
  6. 13. MDs take a more ____, or illness-based approach to patient care.
  7. 14. Management of a health condition by a physician.
  8. 18. Standardized test used to assess a medical student’s knowledge of science concepts and their application to clinical medicine, usually taken at the end of the second year.
  9. 20. ____ medicine is practiced by DOs and emphasizes the relationship between the mind, body, and spirit.
  10. 21. A patient’s past medical problems or conditions.
  1. 1. Performed to assess a patient’s body to further evaluate and diagnose a patient.
  2. 3. A certification required for a physician to practice in a state.
  3. 5. Certain trained physicians are the only healthcare providers certified to perform ____.
  4. 6. To obtain a medical degree, students must complete ____ years of medical school.
  5. 8. For physicians are over 120 ____ to choose from.
  6. 11. Students seeking admission into medical school first obtain a bachelor's degree in:
  7. 12. Doctors commit to ____ learning as medical knowledge, clinical skills, and technology are always evolving.
  8. 15. What many physicians working in academic hospitals spend time doing to advance medical knowledge.
  9. 16. The three word phrase that epitomizes nonmaleficence, which is one of the main values of physicians but also applies to all areas of healthcare.
  10. 17. Acronym for the application medical students must complete when applying for residency.
  11. 19. Standardized test used to assess problem solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of natural, behavioral, and social science concepts that almost all prospective medical students are required to take.