A Midsummer Marriage

  1. 3. Queen of the Fairies
  2. 4. The bride and groom have been married for almost ___ years.
  3. 6. Brandon brought this drink for Nicole on their first date.
  4. 7. Puck causes _____ in the village.
  5. 8. Renewing their ______
  6. 11. Best Man's name
  7. 12. Midsummer night's Dream opens in what city (it's also a city in Georgia)
  8. 15. Nicole and Brandon's dog is named_______
  9. 16. The show Brandon proposed to Nicole at
  10. 17. Bride's Alma mater (initials)!
  11. 19. The bride and groom enjoy seeing this kind of play.
  12. 21. King of the Fairies
  13. 22. The couple's favorite place to vacation
  14. 23. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something _______, a silver sixpence in her shoe
  15. 24. Month the Bride and Groom met!
  1. 1. One of the couple's hobbies is visiting ____ bars.
  2. 2. The couple's favorite Shakespeare play (4 words, no spaces)
  3. 5. In a Midsummer night's Dream, Oberon wants to help _____.
  4. 9. Nicole and Brandon originally tied the knot on what holiday?
  5. 10. These magical beings have a kingdom in the wood.
  6. 13. Who wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream?
  7. 14. Who does Puck mistakenly cause to fall in love with Helena?
  8. 18. Shakespeare Play the bride teaches (3 words no spaces)
  9. 20. Wednesday nights are spent playing this game (initials)