A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 4. Part of an act
  2. 7. The picture feame of the stage (11,4)
  3. 9. A form of staging where the audience surround the performance space
  4. 11. The main character
  5. 12. can be heard only by the audience not the characters
  6. 13. A long speech by one actor
  1. 1. A theatre with all black walls (5,3)
  2. 2. an instruction written into the script of a play
  3. 3. A scene that shows something that has happened in the past
  4. 5. written form of the play
  5. 6. How high ot low you speak
  6. 8. Where the audience sit
  7. 10. A type of staging where the audience sit in two parrell lines
  8. 11. author of a play