A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 1. at the beginning of the play Theseus and Hippolyta are planning their ___.
  2. 3. another word for assistant
  3. 5. a special type of monologue where 1 actor is onstage speaking his/her thoughts on stage speaking his/her thoughts
  4. 7. queen of the fairies
  5. 8. means maybe
  6. 9. woman in love with Demetrius
  7. 12. a long speech for one character
  8. 14. a very eager actor-one of the workmen
  9. 16. a mischievous fairy(prankster)
  10. 18. the man Hermia's father wants her to marry
  11. 20. director of the workmen's play
  12. 21. king of the fairies
  13. 22. the love potion must be put on a person's ___
  1. 2. a conversation between 2 or more characters
  2. 4. a play with an unhappy ending
  3. 6. man in love with Hermia
  4. 10. Where are Helena and Demetrius from?
  5. 11. Puck gives Bottom a _____ head.
  6. 13. a story that is funny
  7. 15. the Duke of Athens
  8. 16. Oberon has Puck put a love ___ on Titania's eyelids
  9. 17. Theseus' fiancee
  10. 19. Egeus' daughter who is in love with Lysander