A Midsummer Night's Dream Word Puzzle created by Annabella C
- 3. The state of being confused or uncertain
- 8. The facial feature where the magic spell is applied
- 10. A magical spell to make a person fall in love with the first person they see
- 15. A carpenter
- 17. A mythical human-like being with powers
- 18. The actions and feelings of people who are in love
- 1. The animal that Bottom turned into
- 2. Daughter of Egeus
- 4. Beloved of Hermia
- 5. The state of being united in a legal relationship
- 6. In love with Demetrius
- 7. Suitor to Hermia
- 9. Queen of Amazons
- 11. The composer of this play
- 12. Duke of Athens
- 13. Causing or having caused death
- 14. Oberon’s jester
- 16. Queen of the Fairies
- 19. King of the Fairies
- 20. Father to Hermia