A Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 3. One of Titania's fairies.
  2. 5. One of Titania's fairies.
  3. 6. Queen of the Fairies.
  4. 9. Is loved by Helena, by he does not love her.
  5. 10. A tailor, who plays moonshine in Pyramus and Thisbe
  6. 11. Near the end, over rules Aegeus and lets everyone love who they please.
  7. 14. Hermia's father, who forces her to marry Demetrius.
  8. 15. Daughter of Aegeus, and loves Lysander, but is being forced to marry Demetrius.
  9. 17. A joiner, who plays the lion in Pyramus and Thisbe.
  10. 18. One of Titania's fairies.
  11. 22. Causes Oberon and Titania to argue.
  12. 23. A bellows mender, who plays Thisbe in Pyramus and Thisbe.
  1. 1. Hermia's best friend.
  2. 2. One of Titania's fairies.
  3. 4. A weaver, who with Puck's help, ends up with a donkey's head.
  4. 7. What A Midsummer Night's Dream is all about.
  5. 8. Wife of Duke Theseus.
  6. 12. Author of A Midsummer Night's Dream.
  7. 13. King Oberon's servant who messes up love with the special love juice.
  8. 16. A carpenter and director of the play: Pyramus and Thisbe, which id to be performed at the Duke's wedding.
  9. 19. A tinker, who plays the wall in Pyramus and Thisbe.
  10. 20. Loves Hermia, but cannot marry her.
  11. 21. King of the Fairies.