A Monster Calls - Holesha
- 3. The country where conor lives
- 5. What was left in Conors house every night after the monster visited other than berries
- 7. Where conors mom goes for treatment
- 8. The name of conors mom
- 12. The last name of Conors teacher
- 14. The name conors dad calls conor
- 16. Ancient name for a pharmacist/chemist
- 17. This is beside the church and the yew tree
- 1. Conors last name
- 2. The last name of the author
- 4. The last name of conors English teacher
- 5. Conors only friend
- 6. The number of the tale of which the apothecary and the parson
- 7. The Name of Conors biggest bully
- 9. The name of the illness that conors mom has
- 10. The Name of Conors dad
- 11. Device used to tell time
- 13. A country with 50 states located in north america
- 15. A type of tree with poisonous berries with bark with healing properties