A Muggle's Guide to the Chamber of Secrets

  1. 2. The name of the Weasley's house
  2. 5. Tom Riddles middle name is this
  3. 7. This person repaired Harry’s glasses in Diagon Alley
  4. 9. The potion that turns a person into someone else
  5. 10. This professor told the students about the Chamber of Secrets
  6. 15. The defense against the dark arts teacher
  7. 16. This spell causes someone to have a tickling sensation
  8. 18. This is the term for someone who has two magical parents but is not magical himself or herself
  9. 19. This is the alley that branches off of Diagon Alley
  10. 20. In the Chamber of Secrets there is a full body statue of this person
  11. 22. The name of Aragog's mate
  12. 23. Tom Riddle communicated with Ginny through this
  13. 24. The first name of Slytherin’s founder
  14. 26. The first name of Gryffindor's founder
  15. 28. The number of Weasleys in their family
  16. 30. The name of Hagrid's spider
  1. 1. The spell that gets rid of someone’s memory
  2. 3. The type of spell that was Lockhart's specialty
  3. 4. This person opened the Chamber of Secrets in Harry’s second year
  4. 6. The first spell taught in the dueling club
  5. 8. This is the name of Dumbledore’s phoenix
  6. 11. The name of Mr. Filch's cat
  7. 12. Harry hears a conversation between Lucius, Draco, and this person
  8. 13. This potion was used to regrow Harry's bones
  9. 14. This teacher’s animagus form was a cat
  10. 17. This happened to Hermione, Colin Creevey, and Nearly Headless Nick during the second year
  11. 21. The first name of Hufflepuff's founder
  12. 25. The first name of Ravenclaw's founder
  13. 27. The Weasley brothers thought that this creature was untrustworthy
  14. 29. The photographer who is obsessed with Harry Potter