  1. 3. The milk has gone off/turned _____.
  2. 4. I need a ____ of coca cola I'm thirsty man.
  3. 5. The french fries were too______ for me.
  4. 10. The yogurt has a ______ taste.
  5. 11. The toast was delicious, hot, and ______.
  6. 13. a really _____ cake dude! My diabetes will he happy today.
  1. 1. I'm going to buy a _____ of chocolates for my girlfriend.
  2. 2. I try to avoid eating ______ foods like burgers and fries.
  3. 5. Pepper can be _____.
  4. 6. lemon tree in my backyard produces _____ fruit every year.
  5. 7. Use a ______ of jelly for your sandwinches.
  6. 8. It's expensive the _____ of rice man.
  7. 9. the store bring a ____ of potato chips to watch the movie.
  8. 12. I'm thirsty I need a _______ of water.