A Samurai must know these terms; first last initials

  1. 4. a tower-shaped structure with several stories and upturned, tiled roofsmeditation a way to clear the mind
  2. 5. to return to the way something once was
  3. 7. a Japanese ruler who encouraged cultural diffusion from countries on the Asian mainland
  4. 8. religion focused on nature
  5. 9. Golden Age between 8th-12th centuries
  6. 11. a form of buddhism focused on paradise
  7. 12. Japanese military general
  1. 1. a Japanese novel and Heian masterpiece written by Murasaki Shikibu; considered one of the great works of world literature
  2. 2. styles of fighting or self-defense
  3. 3. gets to hang out with the emperor
  4. 6. a code followed by the samurai
  5. 8. member of a powerful warrior class in Japan
  6. 10. lord who supported the shogun