A skim back to September

  1. 3. girl cousins
  2. 7. 50
  3. 9. brother
  4. 11. what we get when we take away the AR, ER. or IR at the end of a verb
  5. 15. you guys live (ustedes)
  6. 18. you guys run (vosotros)
  7. 20. 79
  8. 21. happy
  9. 23. big stuffed chair
  10. 24. until later!
  11. 25. to sing
  12. 26. half-sister
  13. 28. the boys are tired- están ______
  14. 31. to eat
  15. 32. until Thursday
  16. 35. the form of a verb in the dictionary
  17. 38. red shirt (not t shirt)
  18. 40. to dance
  19. 41. good morning!
  20. 43. 13
  21. 44. you (tú) dance
  22. 47. y siete 47
  1. 1. 15
  2. 2. I like (it ¨Gusts¨ me)
  3. 4. to run
  4. 5. tuesday
  5. 6. to live
  6. 8. how do you call yourself?
  7. 10. wednesday
  8. 12. 36
  9. 13. good evening.
  10. 14. 104
  11. 16. 20
  12. 17. he speaks
  13. 18. we sing
  14. 19. the attic
  15. 22. I call myself
  16. 27. how are you?
  17. 29. 81
  18. 30. 62
  19. 33. stepfather
  20. 34. to write
  21. 36. to speak
  22. 37. to drink
  23. 39. until Monday!
  24. 42. I have
  25. 45. basement
  26. 46. purple