A Step from Heaven

  1. 4. How Young Ju feels about the United States when she first arrives.
  2. 9. One of the main themes of the story. What women have been seeking in relation to men.
  3. 11. Young Ju’s grandmother; the one that taught her about Heaven and the power of prayer.
  4. 13. Young Ju’s mother.
  5. 15. The country where Young Ju immigrated to.
  6. 16. The Korean word for father.
  7. 17. The Asian country where the family comes from.
  1. 1. The place where Amanda’ s parents would drop Young Ju off.
  2. 2. The way that Young Ju’s family calls the United States in Korean.
  3. 3. A grant or payment made to support a student's education. Young Ju got one for college.
  4. 5. The name of her American friend.
  5. 6. Drive Under the Influence. The infraction given to a driver when he is caught having an illegal amount of alcohol level.
  6. 7. How Young Ju feels about Apa’s love for her brother
  7. 8. Where her grandmother has told heaven is located.
  8. 10. The father’s sister who lives in the United States.
  9. 11. The place where people who pray and love God go, according to the main character’s grandmother.
  10. 12. Grade Point Average
  11. 14. Joon Ho: The name of Young Ju’s brother.