A Stroll Down Memory Lane

  1. 1. Junior college
  2. 2. Badassery moniker
  3. 6. Coaching gig
  4. 8. Kids' landing pad
  5. 9. Source of many stories
  6. 12. Long-time Live Oak friend
  7. 14. Town of origin
  8. 16. First house purchased
  9. 18. Live Oak country landlord
  10. 20. Daniel's birthday
  11. 21. Wedding place
  12. 25. First extension boss
  13. 26. Championship city
  14. 27. Alise's high school
  15. 28. Daniel's college
  16. 30. Rendezvous place
  17. 31. Live Oak neighbors
  1. 1. Gainesville road
  2. 3. Tornado introduction road
  3. 4. Church home
  4. 5. Fraternity
  5. 7. Rockwood moniker
  6. 10. Alise's town of origin
  7. 11. Meeting place
  8. 13. Camping invaders
  9. 15. Swamp of horror
  10. 17. Trailer street
  11. 19. Source of frustration
  12. 22. Amanda's college
  13. 23. Crazy locks car
  14. 24. First camper
  15. 29. Breakfast of champions?