
  1. 5. Walking in ____ before the Lord (20:69)
  2. 8. Will be dealt with as the scriptures direct (20:80)
  3. 9. Cannot be received into church before reaching this age (20:71)
  4. 10. Baptism is to be administered unto those who _____ (20:72)
  5. 11. All who humble themselves and desire to be can do this (20:37)
  1. 1. The church must meet together ____ (20:75)
  2. 2. Blessed in his name (20:70)
  3. 3. If someone is expelled from the church, their name is to be _____ out (20:83)
  4. 4. A person must be fully immersed in this to be baptized (20:74)
  5. 6. A member who is moving to another area can take this to certify that they are members (20:84)
  6. 7. Water was changed to this (20:78)
  7. 12. A preisthood holder must have this before baptizing someone (20:73)