Abbie Dalton

  1. 4. Where do most people in the Middle East live
  2. 6. the watering of farmland
  3. 9. floods, mud slides, earthquakes, and droughts
  4. 10. dominant religion
  5. 11. solar,wind,hydro-power,biomass,geothermal
  6. 14. It is cooler than the rest of the Middle East region.It receives more rain.It has grasslands and forest areas
  7. 15. arid (dry)
  8. 16. mostly desert, desert scrub, or grassland, with some forest areas in the north
  1. 1. oceans, seas, and gulfs
  2. 2. more people
  3. 3. oil,coal,natural gas,nuclear
  4. 5. not all flat
  5. 7. dominant language
  6. 8. water drawn from reservoirs or rivers
  7. 12. oil
  8. 13. rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds