Abby's Bridal Shower

  1. 2. A piece of fine material worn by brides over their heads or faces.
  2. 4. The deep affection shared between the bride and groom.
  3. 7. Two people who are in a relationship.
  4. 8. A girl or woman who helps the bride on her wedding day.
  5. 10. The party held after the wedding ceremony.
  6. 15. Worn by the bridesmaids.
  7. 16. A young boy who carries the rings during the ceremony.
  8. 19. The period when a couple is planning their wedding.
  9. 21. A request to attend the wedding.
  10. 23. The prettiest bride in the whole wide world (yes Alex wrote this)
  11. 24. A special dress worn by the bride.
  12. 25. Promises made during the wedding ceremony.
  1. 1. A young girl who scatters flower petals down the aisle.
  2. 3. A bunch of flowers carried by the bride.
  3. 5. - A party to celebrate an upcoming wedding.
  4. 6. - The woman who is getting married.
  5. 7. A sweet dessert often served at the reception.
  6. 9. A circular band worn on the finger, symbolizing marriage.
  7. 11. The formal event of the wedding.
  8. 12. Presents given to the couple.
  9. 13. - The ceremony where two people get married.
  10. 14. The groom's chief attendant.
  11. 15. Where the happy couple is going to Honeymoon
  12. 17. The holiday taken by a newly married couple.
  13. 18. A traditional activity at the wedding reception.
  14. 20. - The man who is getting married.
  15. 22. A speech given in honor of the couple.