Abigails - forgery

  1. 3. A person or thing that’s an example
  2. 5. A sign above a letter indication the difference in pronunciation
  3. 7. Pretending to be someone using their handwriting
  4. 9. An imitation of someone else’s item ex: signature
  5. 11. document A letter that might be forged so they have to examine it closely
  6. 13. A device that separates color and ink
  7. 14. The words stay directly on the line
  8. 17. When a qualified person gives a testimony
  9. 18. slants or angles
  10. 20. How hard a pen is pushed down
  11. 22. How hard you push on something
  12. 23. A note left by a criminal usually asking for money
  13. 25. The space between words and letters
  14. 26. The removal of writing, typewriting, or printing
  1. 1. If the letters begun and end on a page
  2. 2. Paper money or coins
  3. 4. Do the letters flow or are they written with very intent strokes
  4. 6. The pen is lifted
  5. 8. A device that tracks the speed of how fast you sign
  6. 10. Are the letters connected
  7. 12. Something a criminal does usually to benefit them
  8. 15. Something written by hand instead of being typed
  9. 16. Unusual loops or curls
  10. 19. The letters consistent in height
  11. 21. An image or pattern that marks who’s it is
  12. 24. If a word tips more The the left or right