About Canada

  1. 3. Its main cities are Casablanca, Rabat, Tanger and Marrakech
  2. 4. The first Olympics were there, Athens
  3. 7. Its capital is London
  4. 8. Pizza and pasta are sometimes tied with this country
  5. 10. The most touristic destination in the world
  6. 11. Koalas and kangaroos are its typical animals
  7. 13. The biggest country in South America
  8. 16. Famous because of its pyramids
  9. 17. The home of Nokia
  10. 18. It has more millionaires per capita than any other country in the world
  11. 19. Sushi!
  1. 1. Its capital is Lisboa
  2. 2. A country located in the horn of East Africa
  3. 5. A long and thin country where people doesn’t belong to east or west
  4. 6. Justin Bieber was born in this country
  5. 9. A country between Mexico and Canada
  6. 12. The land of Ice
  7. 14. You can visit the Taj Mahal in this country
  8. 15. Where Valentín comes from