About David

  1. 3. Favorite shade of red
  2. 4. Second biggest fear
  3. 7. Hobby
  4. 8. Favorite meat
  5. 9. Favorite singer
  6. 10. Favorite food group
  7. 12. Favorite insects
  8. 14. Favorite animal group
  9. 16. Favorite movie production
  10. 17. Favorite candy type
  11. 20. Biggest fear
  12. 21. Favorite fruit
  13. 23. Favorite snack
  14. 25. Second favorite singer
  15. 30. First rubber duck
  16. 31. Dream travel destination
  17. 32. Favorite Taylor Swift album
  18. 33. Favorite school subject
  1. 1. Dream job
  2. 2. Favorite history era
  3. 5. Favorite candy
  4. 6. Favorite tree type
  5. 11. Favorite card game
  6. 13. Third biggest fear
  7. 15. Most upsetting food category
  8. 18. Least favorite color
  9. 19. The thing that loves me the very most
  10. 22. Favorite pet type
  11. 24. Government party
  12. 26. Best friend
  13. 27. First betta fish
  14. 28. Birth month
  15. 29. Least favorite animal