abraham to joseph -sam murfree

  1. 3. which of jacobs wives had asher and gad
  2. 4. who made josephs brothers hate him
  3. 7. who steals esaus birthright
  4. 8. how old was joseph when his brothers came for food.
  5. 10. how many years of good and bad would they have
  6. 13. who did isaac marry
  7. 14. which person had a bad dream
  8. 16. how old was abraham when he had isaac
  9. 18. who started the hebrew people
  10. 20. jacobs name was changed to
  11. 21. how old was isaac when he was about to get sacrificed
  12. 23. who called abraham to go to cannan
  13. 24. what was joseph in charge of in egypt
  14. 25. who was joseph in slave to
  1. 1. which person had a good dream
  2. 2. whos dream did joseph interpret to get out of egypt
  3. 5. which of jacobs wives haddan and naphtal
  4. 6. who was jacobs favorite son
  5. 9. who was jacobs favorite son after joseph was taken away
  6. 11. which of jacobs wives had 6 sons
  7. 12. who does josephs brothers sell him to
  8. 15. what tribe came out of esau
  9. 17. how old was sarah when isaac was born
  10. 19. who did god tell that they would be a great nation
  11. 22. why did josephs brothers come to egypt