AC 131 Business Law Module 2

  1. 2. considered to be a part of intellectual property
  2. 6. charge of having committed a crime, usually a felony, based on the judgment of a grand jury.
  3. 8. considered a less serious crime; not inherently evil
  4. 11. collection of criminal statutes is referred to as a________code.
  5. 12. the plaintiff in a criminal lawsuit
  6. 13. Libel and slander constitute this.
  7. 15. set of moral principles or values that governs the conduct of an individual
  8. 16. falsely claimed you were completely bald and wearing a wig
  9. 17. the unauthorized use of another's patent
  10. 20. A person found speeding is considered to have committed a
  11. 21. types of patents is valid only for a period of fourteen years
  12. 22. Oral defamation of character is termed this.
  1. 1. court of equity that was developed in England
  2. 3. Offended by something Raymond mentioned, Harvey punched him in the face and broke his jaw
  3. 4. unlawfully acquired a trade secret through bribery or industrial espionage.
  4. 5. type of patent that protects the functionality of an invention
  5. 7. threat of immediate harm or offensive contact is termed as this.
  6. 9. oral agreement to purchase a neighbor's bicycle
  7. 10. "Probable cause" is most directly associated with this step of the criminal process
  8. 14. An offeree can respond with a promise of acceptance to an offeror's promise
  9. 18. the most serious of crimes, and are considered to be inherently evil
  10. 19. Intellectual property falls into a category of property known as