- 3. an early electronic computer, built in 1941 by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry
- 6. a shorthand syntax for writing computer programs, intended for the convenience of programmers
- 7. a computer intended for interactive use by one person at a time
- 10. a computer that is designed to be 100 percent compatible with another computer made by a different manufacturer
- 16. a class of computer that is smaller and less expensive than a mainframe
- 17. a type of software application that facilitates mathematical analysis, good to know when organizing things too
- 18. the number of transistors that can fit on a processor will double every eighteen months
- 20. a small electrical component that regulates electric charge
- 21. a computer terminal with an integrated keyboard and printer
- 22. another name for the “stored program” computer design
- 23. a layer of software that runs between the hardware and the applications
- 24. an early electronic computer, manufactured in 1949 by the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation for Northrup Aircraft Corporation
- 26. “Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.”
- 28. a wafer of semiconductor material (typically silicon) into which multiple transistors and other electronic components are placed
- 29. a way of sharing a single (expensive) computer among several users
- 30. a largely obsolete term for a handheld computer
- 1. an integrated circuit that puts the central processing unit on a single chip
- 2. an electrical component that resembles a lightbulb, but which regulates electric charge
- 4. a way of operating with a computer in which the user selects icons on a screen to perform actions
- 5. acronym popularized by researchers at Xerox PARC in the 1970s to describe the visual nature of the Graphical User Interface
- 8. a precise, step-by-step list of instructions for accomplishing a given task
- 9. a computer application so compelling that users want to buy the computer just to run the program
- 10. An early form of computer memory, it consists of a series of small magnetic rings
- 11. a “high-level” language, that is generally easier to learn than assembly language
- 12. a branch of artificial intelligence in which the algorithm is fed lots of “training data”
- 13. similar to timesharing, a form of outsourcing wherein an organization does not operate its own servers on-site, but rather pays for computer time and storage on another organization’s servers
- 14. a form of visual computer display in which the visual area is divided into thousands or millions of tiny dots of light, called pixels
- 15. a protocol for high-speed local area networking
- 19. an early form of mechanical calculator, mass-produced in the early twentieth century and sold as office equipment
- 25. the first “killer app” for computer networking
- 27. an agreed-upon format for communication between different programs and computer models