Academic Vocabulary ~ At First Sight

  1. 1. Person in a story
  2. 3. A lesson that can be learned in a story
  3. 7. Part of speech; shows action
  4. 8. Bring attention to something with an action
  5. 10. Learning and understanding
  6. 13. Statement given in a court room
  7. 14. Words and language
  8. 16. Part of speech; person, place, or thing
  9. 17. Tricks the eyes and mind
  10. 18. Someone who saw or heard a crime or event
  1. 2. Part of speech; describes a noun
  2. 4. Where a story takes place
  3. 5. Doctor who studies the mind
  4. 6. How something is viewed or understood
  5. 9. Belief in something that is not real
  6. 11. Part of speech; describes a verb
  7. 12. Segments of words used in pronuncation
  8. 15. Events that happen in a story