Academy News Winter Crossword

  1. 4. What is the ancient stone monument that’s aligned with the winter solstice sunset?
  2. 9. What winter holiday lasts nine days in December?
  3. 10. What is the actual color of a snowflake?
  4. 12. Snowflakes usually have how many sides?
  1. 1. The shortest day of the year.
  2. 2. The condition or period of an animal or plant spending the winter in a dormant state.
  3. 3. The Zodiac sign running from November 22 to December 21.
  4. 5. What country has won the most medals in the Winter Olympics?
  5. 6. Where were the first Winter Olympic Games held?
  6. 7. On which other planet in our solar system have scientists observed snow falling?
  7. 8. The stadium where the 2022 World cup Final(the first winter world cup) will be played.
  8. 11. “Winter Is Coming” is the motto of which family in Game of Thrones?