  1. 6. The person who is in charge of a branch of the bank.
  2. 8. The amount of money in an account: could be positive or negative.
  3. 9. Borrowed money that is received now but needs to be paid back, often monthly, with interest added.
  4. 10. The place where the bank is run from and where information is stored centrally.
  5. 11. a record of the money that a customer has at the bank.
  6. 14. The products that a bank offers.
  7. 15. money in the form of notes or coins.
  1. 1. A four-digit number used to access ATM machines.
  2. 2. to take money out of an account.
  3. 3. A bank account that is designed for everyday use.
  4. 4. The bank or the building where customers use the bank services.
  5. 5. Someone who works at a bank to prevent thieves from steeling the money.
  6. 7. Any situation where money is deposited or withdrawn from an account.
  7. 12. To start an account at a bank for the first time.
  8. 13. To add money to a bank account.