Accessibility Wrap Up

  1. 4. In education, this term typically refers to the ways in which educational institutions and policies ensure—or at least strive to ensure—that students have equal and equitable opportunities to take full advantage of their education.
  2. 5. Course content is clearly organized and presented so that learners can easily read and interpret it.
  3. 8. Documents or webpages should be formatted according to ________, usually marked shorthanded as H1, H2, H3, etc.
  4. 10. Software that turns your spoken words into text transcripts that can be easily edited and shared (Hint: Also a type of cute animal.)
  5. 11. Use this tool to add a written description to your image or table for those using screen readers
  6. 12. Colors of Christmas and most common colorblindness
  7. 13. To optimize your course for students with motor impairments, you should make sure your course has good ______ or Organization
  8. 14. Make sure your graphics/animations are used for good and not as a ______ for your learner.
  9. 17. This feature in PowerPoint provides a transcription of spoken words
  1. 1. A framework for designing accessible teaching and learning focused on providing multiple means of engagement, multiple means of representation, and multiple means of expression
  2. 2. This type of textual representation should be used for all video and audio files.
  3. 3. Underlining of text is avoided unless used for this type of navigation. (Hint: In Sci-Fi media a starships engine is sometimes powered by ____ drive.)
  4. 4. Use this tool in Microsoft 365 to highlight potential access issues in your document
  5. 6. Software used by those with visual impairments to read aloud text on the screen
  6. 7. To check for tool accessibility, look for this statement from the vendor
  7. 9. The ADA Requires that employers and schools provide reasonable ____________ for individuals with disabilities
  8. 12. Literacy software offered by Disability Services that has built in accessibility tools like a screen reader
  9. 15. A term that means providing resources based on the needs of the individual
  10. 16. This civil rights law (1990) that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life