
  1. 1. Provides grants for artistic endeavors
  2. 2. Has the power to oversee the activities of banks and insures the deposits that people have in them.
  3. 5. Conducts the legal business of the United States government
  4. 7. Issues weather forecasts and disseminates weather data that it gathers from satellites
  5. 8. Oversees the infrastructure of roads, bridges, rail lines, airports, and ports
  6. 10. Services that it provides are start-up loans for new businesses and recovery loans to businesses that suffer losses from natural disasters
  7. 11. Investigates threats of terrorism and foreign intrigue against the country as well as alleged violations of federal criminal law
  8. 12. Oversees actions in six geographic areas of the world plus the work of the specific task commands of Transportation, Special Operations, and Strategic Commands
  9. 15. Carries out the delivery of mail and maintains thousands of post offices around the country
  10. 17. The works of this department that affect the most people are Medicare and Medicaid
  11. 18. Leads the federal government’s response to natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods
  12. 20. A watchdog agency that ensures that the activities of federal offices and personnel stay within the law and within budget guidelines
  1. 1. It investigates and attempts to settle charges of unfair labor practices by employers
  2. 3. Protects our country and our vital interests from attack and to provide a military response when enemies do attack
  3. 4. Establishes rules for air traffic
  4. 6. The highest ranking members of the U.S. military
  5. 8. Provides public education about preventing terrorist attacks and issues appropriate advisories to the American public
  6. 9. A New Deal program best known for providing relatively inexpensive electricity to poor rural areas of the South
  7. 11. Sets standards for granting loans and makes sure that local farm credit associations operate according to the government
  8. 12. Grades foods that U.S. farmers produce and that importers bring into the country
  9. 13. Involves finding out information that the government needs to maintain our security
  10. 14. Competition to the Postal Service in the delivery of packages
  11. 16. Ensures that financial security dealers sell stocks and bonds in an open and honest manner
  12. 17. Replaced the Federal Security Agency and after Education became a separate executive branch split into the Department of Health and Human Services.
  13. 18. It grants licenses for radio and television stations, makes sure that cable and satellite rates are reasonable, and sets standards for broadcast decency
  14. 19. Certifies the quality of foods and cosmetics in America and approves new prescription drugs