Activity 5: Agents of Deterioration

  1. 4. The _____ is measured in terms of relative humidity.
  2. 6. _____ is harmful for the manuscripts may come from sources like natural calamities, human negligence, from leaking roofs, defective plumbing and through open windows at the time of raining.
  3. 7. Whether natural light or artificial light, cultural manuscripts get deteriorated when it is exposed to _____.
  4. 11. _____ is the amount of moisture in the atmospheric air.
  5. 13. _____ is a change of original state of any material by interaction between the object and factors of destruction.
  6. 15. In the _____ among various constituents unwanted materials such as oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphides are also present.
  7. 16. _____ include fires, floods, storms, earthquakes or leaking pipes.
  8. 17. _____ in charge of the documentary heritage are directly responsible for the overall conservation and preservation of their collections.
  9. 18. All _____ objects absorb water to a greater or lower extent and the water goes inside the object surrounding air.
  10. 19. Fine dry _____ of any matter present in the air are known as dust.
  1. 1. _____, which is highly dangerous for the manuscripts, composed of soil, tar, metallic substances, fungus spores and moisture among other things.
  2. 2. Insects, _____, and other pests feed on the records which cellulose and other organic substance.
  3. 3. High _____ with low humidity causes dehydration of cellulose fibers and the manuscripts becomes brittle.
  4. 5. The _____ of exposure of paper to light is directly proportional to its deterioration.
  5. 8. _____ and rodents are more destructive to manuscripts.
  6. 9. Humans are a constant threat to archival records through _____, vandalism or theft
  7. 10. _____ are a large heterogeneous group of plant organisms.
  8. 12. _____ relative humidity will dry up manuscripts turning it brittle
  9. 14. Humans are a constant threat to archival records through _____ or rough handling of manuscripts
  10. 16. Dust and _____ are solid particles of varying size and hardness they exert abrasion on the surface of the books.