Acts of kindness

  1. 1. Something given willingly to someone without payment.
  2. 5. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.
  3. 7. To provide encouragement or emotional help.
  4. 9. An organization that provides help and raises money for those in need.
  5. 10. To give someone confidence or hope.
  6. 12. Done without a specific pattern, purpose, or plan, often used in the context of acts of kindness.
  7. 13. To do something unexpected that delights or pleases someone.
  8. 14. To offer to do something without being paid for it.
  9. 15. To assist someone in need.
  1. 1. The quality of being kind and giving more than is necessary or expected.
  2. 2. The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  3. 3. A polite expression of praise or admiration.
  4. 4. To guide or advise someone, especially in their personal or professional development.
  5. 6. To give money or goods to help others in need.
  6. 7. To make a facial expression showing happiness or friendliness.
  7. 8. To give a portion of something to others.
  8. 11. The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation and to return kindness.