Adam and Chan: Chapter 4

  1. 1. Belt / The region of the United States in the south and southwest that has seen population growth relative to the rest of the country and which, because of its climate, has attracted retirees
  2. 2. / Sparsely populated territory and small towns, often associated with farming
  3. 8. Gap / The difference between the political opinions or political behavior of men and of women
  4. 10. / Those who own or control the means of production
  5. 13. / Conservative christians who, as a group, have become more active in politics in the last two decades and were especially influential in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections
  6. 16. Status / A division of population based on occupation, income, and education
  7. 18. / A grouping of human beings with distinctive characteristics determined by genetic inheritance
  8. 20. Exceptionalism / The view that due to circumstances of history, the constitution, and liberty, the United States is different from other nations
  9. 21. / A social division based on national origin, religion, language, and often race
  10. 22. Domestic Product / The total output of all economic activity in the nation, including goods and services
  11. 24. Destiny / A notion held by the nineteenth-century Americans that the United States was destined to rule the continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific
  1. 1. Bowl diversity / the integration of the many different cultures of United States residents combine like a salad
  2. 3. / A densely settled territory that is often the central part of a city of metropolitan area
  3. 4. / The movement of population from rural areas to central cities
  4. 5. Effects / When a particular generation has had experiences that make it politically distinct
  5. 6. / Those who sell their labor
  6. 7. cleavages / Divisions within society that reinforce one another, making groups more homogenous or similar
  7. 9. cleavages / Divisions within society that cut across demographic categories to produce groups that are more heterogenous or different
  8. 11. Belt / States in the midwest once known for their industrial output, which have seen factories close and have experienced relatively high unemployment
  9. 12. / Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group
  10. 14. / The study of characteristics of populations
  11. 15. Effects / The effect of aging and becoming more politically conservative, less mobile, and more likely to participate in politics
  12. 17. / Fastest growing ethnic group
  13. 19. / An area that typically surrounds the central city, is often residential, and is not as densely populated
  14. 23. Belt / The region of the states in the south and states bordering the south with a large number of strongly committed protestants who see a public role for religion