Jacob’s Ladder - Genesis 28

  1. 2. “God made a ___ to Jacob in his dream.”
  2. 6. “Jacob had a ___ in which he saw the ladder.”
  3. 7. “Jacob set up a ___ as a pillar and poured oil on it.”
  4. 10. “Jacob realized the ___ of the Lord was in that place.”
  5. 13. “Jacob called the place the ___ of heaven.”
  6. 14. “Jacob poured ___ on the stone he set up as a pillar.”
  7. 16. “Jacob saw a ___ set up on the earth, reaching to heaven.”
  8. 18. “Jacob’s ___ would be as numerous as the dust of the earth.”
  9. 20. “God assured Jacob He would bring him ___ to the land.”
  10. 21. “Jacob’s descendants would spread to the west, east, south, and ___.”
  11. 23. “___ of God were ascending and descending on the ladder.”
  12. 26. “The dream reaffirmed God’s ___ with Abraham and Isaac.”
  13. 28. “The original name of the place Jacob renamed Bethel.”
  1. 1. “Jacob felt ___ when he realized God’s presence.”
  2. 3. “The top of the ladder reached to ___.”
  3. 4. “God identified Himself as the God of Jacob’s ___ Abraham.”
  4. 5. “Jacob was on a ___ to his uncle Laban’s house.”
  5. 7. “Jacob lay down to ___ and had the dream.”
  6. 8. “Jacob was afraid when he ___ from his dream.”
  7. 9. “God promised to ___ all families of the earth through Jacob.”
  8. 10. “God promised Jacob His ___ wherever he went.”
  9. 11. “God promised to give Jacob and his descendants the ___ he was lying on.”
  10. 12. “God assured Jacob of His ___ and protection.”
  11. 15. “God referred to Himself as the God of Jacob’s ___, Abraham and Isaac.”
  12. 17. “The dreamer who saw a ladder reaching to heaven.”
  13. 19. “Jacob used a ___ for a pillow when he dreamed of the ladder.”
  14. 22. “Jacob was traveling to ___ when he had the dream.”
  15. 24. “Jacob made a ___ to serve God if God protected him.”
  16. 25. “Jacob named the place ___, meaning ‘House of God.’”
  17. 27. “Jacob promised to give a tenth, or ___, to God.”