ADH and Urea Baby!

  1. 2. is a hormone that increases water permeability in collecting ducts.
  2. 3. ADH stimulates reabsorption of urea in this part of the nephron to maximize corticopapillary osmotic gradient.
  3. 6. excess nitrogen is converted to this molecule which is then excreted by the kidneys.
  4. 7. is decrease with release of ADH while urine osmolarity is increase.
  5. 8. is a common treatment for central diabetes insipidus.
  6. 9. is characterized by excessive free water retention and euvolemic hyponatremia with continued urinary Na excretion.
  7. 12. pituitary ADH is synthesize by the hypothalamus and stored and secreted in this area of the brain.
  8. 13. is a drug that is known to cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus where V2 receptors are damage and don't respond to ADH analogue
  1. 1. is the amino acid that is converted to urea and ornithine in the urea cycle.
  2. 2. are the channels upregulated by ADH binding to V2 and increasing H20 permeability at the collecting duct.
  3. 4. is the pathway used by ADH when binding V2 receptors to increase water reabsorption.
  4. 5. is a condition characterized by inability to concentrate urine.
  5. 10. is the pathway used by ADH when binding V1 receptors and inducing vascular smooth muscle contraction.
  6. 11. urea is metabolized by this organ and then excreted by the urine.