ADJ-20: Chapter 3

  1. 2. error that substantially undermines the reliability of the guilt finding or death sentence imposed at trial.
  2. 4. legislatively approved provisions that mandate longer prison terms for specific criminal offenses committed under certain circumstances or because of anaconda's past criminal record.
  3. 9. two separate hearings 4 different issues in a trial one for guilt and the other for punishment.
  4. 13. three strikes laws imposed mandatory prison sentences generally a life sentence on those convicted of an offence if they have been previously convicted of two prior serious criminal offences.
  5. 16. the minimum amount of time a convicted person can be held in custody.
  6. 17. the idea that actions are motivated primarily by a desire to experience pleasure and avoid pain.
  7. 18. statute a law that allows a persons criminal history to be considered at sentencing or makes it possible for a person convicted of a given offense and previously convicted of another specific offense to receive a more severe penalty.
  8. 19. this smooth functioning of social institutions the existence of positive and productive relations among individual members of society and the orderly functioning of society as a whole.
  1. 1. a description of the harm and suffering that a crime has caused victims and survivors.
  2. 3. play systematic response to wrongdoing that emphasizes healing the wounds of victims defenders and communities caused or revealed by crime.
  3. 5. lawful imposition of the death penalty.
  4. 6. the maximum amount of time a convicted person can be held in custody.
  5. 7. they fix sense with no maximum or minimum associated with it.
  6. 8. this sentencing principle that requires an offender to serve a substantial portion of the sentence in reduces the discrepancy between the sentence imposed and actual time spent in prison.
  7. 10. a crime for which the death penalty may but need not necessarily be imposed.
  8. 11. a sentence condemning A convicted offender to spend the rest of their life in prison.
  9. 12. to clear of blame and release from death row.
  10. 14. the process of making the offender A productive member of the community.
  11. 15. sentences should be the least necessary in a given situation to attain its end. Imposition of a sentence more severe than is necessary is harmful.