ADJ-8: Chapter 5 Vocabulary

  1. 3. gangs that develop in highly disorganized areas and without adult criminal role models.
  2. 6. prescriptions of appropriate behavior or values.
  3. 7. the initial delinquent act that goes undetected
  4. 9. the theory that examines why lower-class youths are more likely to commit crime than middle and upper-class youths
  5. 10. this occurs when a persons inability to obtain the middle-class status.
  6. 12. gangs in organized communities in which the younger offender can gain the knowledge and skills to be successful criminals from older offenders.
  7. 13. theorist who developed the five modes of adaption for dealing with strain with gaining economic success.
  8. 14. removing juveniles from the juvenile justice process and given treatment services outside of the justice system.
  9. 15. the ability to control one's own behavior.
  10. 16. gangs that are unable or unwilling to be successful criminals, may sell small amounts of drugs to support their own habits.
  1. 1. theory that explains where delinquency occurs or the environment of an area that has an impact on delinquency.
  2. 2. the theory that delinquency results from social interaction and learning.
  3. 4. emotional and psychological ties a person has with others.
  4. 5. this theory states that juveniles who are labeled as delinquent will commit more acts to live up to the label.
  5. 8. and area of a city characterized by high delinquency rates with areas of private residences and factories and commercial establishments.
  6. 11. the continued delinquent behavior that the juvenile is now committing to live up to the label.
  7. 15. a set of values, norms and beliefs that differ from those of the dominant culture.