
  1. 1. believes in his/her own abilities and doesn’t feel nervous or frightened.
  2. 3. always telling other people what to do.
  3. 5. careful to avoid problems or danger
  4. 8. thinks he/she is better or more important than other people
  5. 9. showing bad manners; impolite.
  6. 11. has a good nature or way of behaving, friendly.
  7. 13. person who makes you feel quite angry and impatient.
  8. 16. not willing to accept change, help, or control obstinate.
  9. 18. shows or has good spirits, feels happy.
  10. 20. violates a promise or obligation, disloyal
  11. 22. has evil or unkind intentions, malicious
  12. 23. never betrays , faithful.
  13. 24. good at learning and understanding things.
  1. 2. not generous with money, stingy
  2. 4. thoughtful or quiet in appearance
  3. 5. person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain…
  4. 6. shy, unsociable person.
  5. 7. easily upset, tense, nervous, irritable.
  6. 10. pretends to be different or better than he or she really is
  7. 12. worried about something.
  8. 14. becomes annoyed or angry easily.
  9. 15. too interested in your own appearance or achievements
  10. 17. not fearful or doesn’t hesitate, not afraid of people.
  11. 19. pleasant, friendly and easy to like.
  12. 21. harasses and frightens others.
  13. 24. doesn’t show or feel any worry, anger or excitement.