
  1. 3. full with people
  2. 6. with a lot of hills
  3. 8. with mountains
  4. 10. very dry and without enough rain for plants:
  5. 13. with people and things from many different parts of the world:
  6. 14. not level, equal, flat, or continuous
  7. 16. not near to other places
  8. 18. producing an strong emotional response
  9. 19. having or allowing you to see beautiful natural features:
  10. 21. wild and not even land; not easy to travel over
  11. 22. a place attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way
  12. 24. full of color
  13. 26. land is soft and very wet.(where the ogres live)
  14. 28. where there are lots of tourists
  15. 29. boring
  1. 1. very famous or popular place, especially one that represent particular opinions or a particular time
  2. 2. full of peace
  3. 4. liked, enjoyed, or supported by many people
  4. 5. occurring in the way expected
  5. 7. land that can produce a large number of good quality crops
  6. 9. very much better than what is usual
  7. 11. very good, beautiful, or deserving to be admired
  8. 12. of or from a long time ago
  9. 15. level and smooth, with no curved, high, or hollow parts
  10. 17. very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural
  11. 19. frightening
  12. 20. empty and not attractive place, with no people or nothing pleasant in it
  13. 23. something you admire because it is important, special o very large
  14. 25. pleasant and attractive
  15. 27. contaminated