  1. 1. An idea, process, or physical creation that comes from the work of the mind. MoodBoard A collection of design elements that give a client the idea of the mood of a website.
  2. 4. A line drawing of the layout of a webpage.
  3. 6. The act of unauthorized change to a project scope.
  4. 12. The exclusive right of a creator to use and distribute his or her work.
  5. 13. A semi-functional version of a website.
  6. 15. The management of any item, thing, or entry that has potential value to a project
  7. 17. A method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better.
  1. 2. A definition of the project and the details such as the how, why, and when of the project.
  2. 3. All hardware and software components or other resources needed to use a website.
  3. 5. a mock-up representing a complete design of a website.
  4. 7. The exclusive right of a creator to use and distribute his or her work.
  5. 8. The process of creating wireframes of the pages on a website.
  6. 9. The desired outcome of a project at a specific end date with a specific amount of resources.
  7. 10. The ranking of pages in a search engine from most relevant to least relevant.
  8. 11. A doctrine that implies that parts of copyrighted works can be used without permission, only if theuse is reasonable and does not adversely affect the profit that may be expected by the copyright owner.
  9. 14. Works Creations which include major copyright-protected elements of an original work.
  10. 16. the sum of money allocated for a particular purpose, and the summary of intended expenses.
  11. 18. A list of pages included in a website.