Adult Diabetes Management for Nurses

  1. 3. used to treat adults who demonstrate hypoglycemia
  2. 7. how often you must renew your glucometer number
  3. 8. gel that can be given if blood glucose is less than 50
  4. 10. blood glucose above this number signifies that the patient is stable
  5. 11. a device that administers insulin that needs to be removed prior to admission to BH
  1. 1. after this amount of time of patient's blood glucose becoming stable it must be rechecked to ensure patient remains stable
  2. 2. what you need to do in hypoglycemic management flowsheet
  3. 3. person that must be notified of patient's hypoglycemic episode
  4. 4. the preferred route for treating hypoglycemia at UnityPoint
  5. 5. the term used to describe an adult with a blood glucose of less than 70
  6. 6. the number of minutes you re-check a blood sugar after patient has received treatment for hypoglycemia
  7. 9. if blood glucose is less than this treat with 8 oz of juice if patient able to swallow