Junior Autumn Crossword 2023

  1. 2. Bringing in of the crops
  2. 4. Used to collect leaves
  3. 9. Fruit of the oak tree
  4. 10. Birds leave to escape for the winter
  5. 12. Also known as maize
  6. 14. Not green forever
  7. 17. Autumn seed used for playing games
  8. 18. O'Lantern
  9. 19. Name for a baby hedgehog
  10. 20. The American name for Autumn
  1. 1. Good hot and buttered
  2. 3. Hope your not afraid of their legs!
  3. 5. When animals go to sleep for the winter
  4. 6. Brown spice used to flavour cakes and biscuits
  5. 7. A tree and a syrup
  6. 8. Time to put them on with thick socks
  7. 11. Edible funghi
  8. 13. Autumn shade of red
  9. 15. Chocolatey drink to keep you warm
  10. 16. Used to tidy up leaves