Advanced Krishna
- 3. Krishna's home kingdom
- 4. Pandava's Rival and Eldest Kaurava
- 5. Mountain Range in Northern India
- 7. Our country and Krishna's country
- 9. student stage
- 12. Mountain Ranges on the East and West coasts of India
- 16. The most hoky River
- 17. Merchant Class
- 18. Retirement stage
- 19. Priesthood class
- 23. 2nd Pandava
- 25. Krishna's Advisor
- 26. Krishna's Faithful Brother
- 28. Krishna's evil Uncle
- 29. System of Classes
- 30. Festival of lights
- 31. Rukmini's Father
- 1. Man who was supposed to marry Rukmini
- 2. Krishna's Rival
- 6. Song dedicated to Lord Shiva
- 8. Class/Occupation System in Ancient India
- 10. Krishna's wife
- 11. Krishna's Royal Clan
- 13. Kingdom Krishna Created
- 14. Warrior class
- 15. laborers
- 20. 3rd Pandava
- 21. One of the Holy Rivers
- 22. Krishna's father
- 24. Festival of colors
- 27. Song dedicated to Lord Krishna