Advent Crossword

  1. 1. Joseph was "of the house of _____?
  2. 3. "How can this be, since I am a ______"
  3. 5. "Then the angel ________ from her"
  4. 7. "My soul _________ the Lord"
  5. 10. "He has brought down the ________ from their thrones"
  6. 12. Relative that Mary went to visit
  7. 14. "he has _________ the proud in the thoughts of their hearts"
  8. 15. "for he has looked with _____ on the lowliness of his servant"
  9. 16. Spirit "The ____ ______ will come upon you"
  1. 2. "Do not be ______, Mary"
  2. 4. "he will be called Son of the ____ ____"
  3. 6. Mary was _________
  4. 8. "Here am I, the _______ of the Lord"
  5. 9. "When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child ______ in her womb"
  6. 11. In what month was Gabriel sent to Nazareth?
  7. 13. "He has helped his servant ______"