Alma the Younger Advice Alma 36-38

  1. 3. Do not ___ as the Zoramites do Alma 38:13
  2. 4. ye be ___ in fulfilling all my words Alma 37:20
  3. 6. My ___, give ear to my words Alma 36:1
  4. 7. ___ the word unto this people Alma 38:15
  5. 11. ___ ___ unto the Lord Alma 37:37
  6. 12. Kept and ___ ___ from one generation to the nextAlma 37:4
  7. 15. let all thy ___ be unto the Lord Alma 37:36
  8. 19. let the affections of thy ___ be placed upon the lord forever Alma 37:36
  9. 20. Be ___ Alma 38:15
  10. 22. Kept and ___ by the hand of the Lord Alma 37:4
  11. 23. Do this to prosper Alma 37:13
  12. 25. Retain their ___ Alma 37:5
  13. 27. ___ to the end Alma 38:2
  14. 28. let thy heart be full of ___ Alma 37:37
  15. 30. Do this to be delivered our of your trials Alma 38:5
  16. 31. be ___ and ___ in all things Alma 38:10
  1. 1. ___ with the Lord in all thy doings Alma 37:37
  2. 2. ___ ___ Said 4 times in Alma 37:32-34
  3. 3. bridle all your ___ Alma 38:12
  4. 5. ___ ___ in thy youth Alma 37:35
  5. 8. ___ your unworthiness before God Alma 38:14
  6. 9. ___ such wickedness and abominations and murders Alma 37:29
  7. 10. do not ___ in your own wisdom and strength Alma 38:11
  8. 13. refrain from ___ Alma 38:12
  9. 14. ___ ___ of these sacred things Alma 37: 47
  10. 16. use ___, but not overbearance Alma 38:12
  11. 17. Do this to be supported and lifted up Alma 36:3
  12. 18. do not let us be ___ because of the easiness of the way Alma 37:46
  13. 21. ___ ___ ___ for all they support Alma 37:36
  14. 24. let all thy ___ be directed unto the Lord Alma 37:36
  15. 26. Keep a ___ of this people Alma 37:2
  16. 29. not lifted up unto ___ Alma 38:11
  17. 30. Teach what? Alma 38:10