Aerospace Engineering Vocabulary

  1. 2. The part of an aircraft which provides thrust
  2. 5. Motion around the longitudinal axis
  3. 6. Retractable components used to increase lift in low airspeed situations
  4. 8. The force generated by gravity on an aircraft
  5. 9. Control surface used to control roll
  6. 12. Surface on the aircraft that provides pitch stability
  7. 14. The parts of an aircraft located at the tail end
  8. 15. The result of forces that add to zero
  9. 16. The force generated by air resistance against an aircraft's forward motion
  10. 17. The point on the aircraft where weight is equally balanced from all directions
  11. 20. The force generated by the power plant of an aircraft
  12. 21. The part of an aircraft that provides support while the aircraft is on the ground
  13. 22. A tail configuration mounted toward the front of the aircraft, rather than at the rear.
  14. 23. Imaginary line running from forward to aft through the center of gravity
  15. 24. A vector quantity used to represent speed
  16. 25. Quantity that decreases with altitude
  17. 28. The orientation of the aircraft in space
  18. 30. Height of an aircraft above the surface
  1. 1. Aircraft compartment designed to hold flight crew
  2. 3. A measure for the amount of air in a given volume
  3. 4. Control surface used to control yaw
  4. 6. The part of an aircraft to which the empennage and wings are attached
  5. 7. The force generated by the wings that increases an aircraft's altitude
  6. 10. Imaginary line running from left to right through the center of gravity
  7. 11. Surface on the aircraft that provides yaw stability
  8. 13. The force created by air pushing on a surface
  9. 18. Imaginary line running from top to bottom through the center of gravity
  10. 19. Motion around the vertical axis
  11. 26. Control surface used to control pitch
  12. 27. Motion around the lateral axis
  13. 29. The part of the aircraft that provides lift