Safety Affinichallenge

  1. 4. Commonly used to disinfect surfaces and media; this chemical can release toxic gases when in contact with ammonia containing products.
  2. 7. A famous lead singer of a Boston-based rock band suffers from this most commonly reported BBP infection in the US.
  3. 9. Although great at removing particles this kind of filter can't remove gases, vapors, or mists effectively.
  4. 10. When a chemical completely permeates through a glove's material.
  5. 12. When exposed to biological or chemical contaminants, you should wash your eyes out for this many minutes.
  6. 13. This kind of external defibrillator is available near each one of Affinivax's egress stairwells. It pretty much runs itself, just turn it on!
  7. 15. If you’re up for some "light" reading before bed, you can find Affinivax's institutional safety manuals on this cloud-based content management environment.
  8. 17. You can't be brief when describing these on a hazardous waste label, full names only please.
  9. 22. Lids to biohazardous and chemical waste containers should always be kept this way when not in use.
  10. 23. A turophile's favorite kind of accident causation model depicting failures through a series of safety layers.
  1. 1. Our bespectacled peers get these kinds of safety glasses free of charge through IPP on Wednesdays.
  2. 2. An internationally adopted system that uses pictograms to relay information about hazards.
  3. 3. These should never be stored with flammables.
  4. 5. This kind of compound forming chemical undergoes auto-oxidation. Not dating when received and opened may have explosive consequences.
  5. 6. All paper is not created equal. Paper coffee cups and like products often have this kind of thin film coating which prevents us from composting or recycling them. Unfortunately, these should be placed in the trash.
  6. 8. Arguably the most common thing that happens in 354.
  7. 11. This kind of PPE must be used whenever handling samples or touching lab equipment.
  8. 14. The standards organization that looks out for you in the lab by setting the performance criteria for eye protection.
  9. 16. When an incident occurs but there is no negative consequence.
  10. 18. Simple asphyxiants, like nitrogen, displace this element which becomes especially dangerous in rooms with recirculated air.
  11. 19. When looking to make a quick escape, how many emergency stairwells are located at Affinivax?
  12. 20. The frequency you should report accidents to Affinivax safety.
  13. 21. The framework for the proper management of hazardous waste.