Affordable Medication Access

  1. 3. "___" pricing is when the manufacturer of a drug raises the prices far higher and quicker than the rate of inflation.
  2. 4. What is the country with the most expensive healthcare in the world?
  3. 7. Adults aged 19-64 were almost "___" as likely as adults aged 65 and over to have not taken their prescription medication doses properly to save money.
  4. 9. Approximately 8 "___" Americans rely on insulin to manage diabetes.
  5. 12. What device costs roughly $300 (w/o insurance) and without which, some persons can't breathe?
  6. 13. Many citizens in the USA do this regarding their prescription medication doses in an effort to save money.
  7. 14. What chronic disease that can cost anywhere between $50,000-130,000 over the course of a lifetime, and requires insulin to treat?
  8. 15. What is the proper abbreviation for what is commonly known as "Obamacare", which makes healthcare more affordable to those below the poverty line?
  1. 1. This insurance policy refers to a specific amount of money that an individual has to pay out of pocket before an insurance company will pay for that individual's claim.
  2. 2. What is a lifelong medication for those that cannot make this hormone on their own?
  3. 5. This drug is used in a lot of major surgeries, and can cost anywhere from $200-3,500 without insurance.
  4. 6. Those adults from ages 18-64 who were "___" were more likely to have asked their physician for lower-cost prescription medication.
  5. 8. The price for a single vial of insulin is usually more than $250. How many vials do patients use per month?
  6. 9. What is the Government National Health Insurance Program, but still requires most people to own private health insurance?
  7. 10. Which president signed the Government National Health Insurance Program into effect?
  8. 11. Approximately one-fifth of the $263 "___" spent on retail-level prescriptions in the USA were paid out of pocket in 2012.