
  1. 2. funded by usa,drc and south africa
  2. 5. South africa has 3 capitals, one for Each branch of
  3. 6. 1950, classified all south africans by race.
  4. 8. braai
  5. 11. supplied money and arms to nations looking for independence
  6. 12. largest city in south africa
  7. 13. declared independence in 1960
  8. 15. nelson mandela died on
  9. 17. was Imprisioned for ___ years
  10. 20. katanga province secedes under leadership of him
  11. 26. lawyer and anti-apartheid activist
  12. 27. weakened after ww2
  13. 28. created in 1959 to separate black majority from white majority so they could not claim democratic rule of south africa.
  14. 29. him and nelson mandela created a new constitution for africa
  1. 1. War that lasted between 1977 and 1978
  2. 3. what happened in 1978, and caused a civil war still continues to this day?
  3. 4. involved many countries, including cuba
  4. 7. Traditional south african sausage
  5. 9. helped mobutu overthrow patrice lamuba
  6. 10. prime minister
  7. 14. 10 bantu homelands
  8. 15. lamuba becomes a
  9. 16. amount of languages spoken in south africa
  10. 18. fertile grazing region disputed by ethopia and somalia
  11. 19. the perfect proxy war
  12. 21. people of mixed race were
  13. 22. large amount of it concerned the us and ussr
  14. 23. decolonization, independence and apartheid
  15. 24. most world heritage sites in africa
  16. 25. made a clumsy exit in 1975