African American Studies

  1. 4. Made the story of Till spread like wildfire
  2. 9. Politics of the New Negro Movement
  3. 10. Bus drive who arrested Rosa Parks; last name
  4. 11. Woman before Parks
  5. 12. The High School of the Little Rock 9
  6. 13. These tests were abolished by the Civil Rights Act of 1957
  7. 14. The "W" in WCC
  8. 15. This political party blocked SNCC's party
  9. 17. Coordinated action not to buy something
  10. 18. our system of government
  1. 1. Early leader of SNCC
  2. 2. Icon; 1913-2005
  3. 3. "We must be violence with" this according to MLK
  4. 4. Little Rock 9 woman; acid thrown in face
  5. 5. 14 year old boy lynched
  6. 6. President who signed executive order 9981
  7. 7. The Governor of Arkansas
  8. 8. What radicals want instead of reforms
  9. 10. Accuser of Till; last name
  10. 14. The lunch chain where the sit-ins were frequently held
  11. 16. President who preserved Federalism