African and Asian Capitals

  1. 3. On the Southeast coast of Japan
  2. 6. In the Northeastern hemisphere of Mongolia
  3. 8. In a country east of South Sudan
  4. 10. Northeast of the Arabian Sea
  5. 12. In the northern hemisphere of India
  6. 14. North of South Africa in Botswana
  7. 16. North of Mbalmayo in Cameroon
  8. 17. Bab al Yemen is one of the city's most important landmarks
  9. 18. Southeast of Iraq
  10. 19. In the middle of Rwanda
  11. 20. East of Burkina Faso
  1. 1. South of the Caspian Sea
  2. 2. North of Depok
  3. 4. South of Georgia Asia
  4. 5. North of Ghana
  5. 7. A major city north of Thailand
  6. 9. Major city next to Utako
  7. 11. On the Golf of Guinea
  8. 13. Southeast of the Sangureya Bay
  9. 15. In the Southern hemisphere of central Africa